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Reviage 50g

An "all-in-one cream" containing a high amount of "human neural stem cells".

It is rich in extracellular matrix proteins such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin, enzymes such as SOD (antioxidant enzyme) that removes active oxygen that causes aging, vitamins, etc., and inhibits the degradation of melanin. Research results have been published in the fields of medicine and beauty, which have beauty effects such as whitening effect, moisturizing effect, blood circulation promotion, metabolic activation, and anti-inflammatory effect.

Reviage 50g

SKU: 364215376135191
  • ターンオーバー促進や美白効果リフトアップなど効果実感できるヒト神経幹細胞を高含有したオールインワンクリーム

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